You are part of a select group testing a patent pending scoring and comment curation system. This website is merely a platform to demonstrate how the scoring system works and the potential for integrating individual site scoring into a unique on line “reputation” score known as your G Score.
Unlike most traditional comment curation scoring systems, Gibe consists of more than binary choices such as “like” / “dislike” or thumbs up / thumbs down. Instead Gibe uses a proprietary scaling system that can be customized for any website. On this site you will have the option of scoring comment with any value ranging from -5 to +5 (based on how strongly you feel the comment resonates with you).
We've provided a brief overview of the basics of scoring to get you started.
Your G Score is made up of the following criteria:
- All your Persona`s accumulated points (across any sites using a G Score system).
- Other data such as Facebook, Twitter, Email, SMS, used to verify and establish user credibility.
- Proprietary formulas using comment data, scoring data, and time spent on site.
Your G Score is in many ways the on-line/digital equivalent of your real world credit score. Just as companies such as Equifax and Experian use various criteria to determine how reliable you are a consumer of credit, GIBE uses your G Score to determine how reliable you are as an author and consumer of digital commentary.
Before you score a comment, the author will be invisible to you and you instead your will see a SCORE FOR MORE Box. SCORE FOR MORE indicates that in order to get further information about this author, you will need to score the comment first.
When you click on the SCORE FOR MORE, a drop down with scoring options will appear as below.
Simply the select the score you wish to give the comment and select the Red Save button.
Once you click on the save button, along the top ribbon you will now see, the author’s name, their G Score, the specific score you gave the comment, the total score for the comment, and the total amount of replies in the thread.
Every time you score a comment, the author of that comment will receive positive or negative points towards their G score (based on your score).
You will receive points for every comment you score as well. This is one way to accumulate points.
GIBE users may create up to 3 Personas to uniquely identify a login and participation in GIBE.
A GIBE Persona is always displayed within a distinctive button along with their G Score badge.
Clicking on the GIBE Persona will open a Persona Card with information about their participation on GIBE.
Each Persona may create Communities, score comments, and post messages independently of your other Personas.
Trending Topics
Here are the GIBE Topics that are currently trending.
How rural areas like Florida's Panhandle can become more hurricane-ready
3 internet language trends from 2019, explained
Getting ready for hurricane season: 4 essential reads
When people downsize to tiny houses, they adopt more environmentally friendly lifestyles
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Brazil's long, strange love affair with the Confederacy ignites racial tension
The Kentucky Derby has a secret Latino history
The Kentucky Derby has a secret Latino history
The value of trees: 4 essential reads
Populist alliances of 'cowboys and Indians' are protecting rural lands
Populist alliances of 'cowboys and Indians' are protecting rural lands
What geology reveals about North Korea's nuclear weapons – and what it obscures
When Americans go to the polls, they look to the past – not the future
Hate heaped on black heroines of the French Resistance would look familiar to AOC and Rashida Tlaib
Trending Communities
Here are the GIBE Communities that are currently trending.
Nothing to see here, move along!
Relax! It's Just Real Life
Superman or Spiderman?
All about Paleo Diet
If you are a Geek, you'll love this Community
Climate Change 101
My first go at a Community
Netflix Rules!
Max G ™
Here are the GIBE Users pulling the most G ™.